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Friday, July 26, 2024

3:21 among playing kids at Vung Tau's Triangle Park after 8:40PM on 7/26/24

Anti-Asian hate crime: woman punches woman in Manhattan subway

Video shows 95-year-old grandmother assaulted by home aid in Harlem

Woman selling boiled corn, peanuts, taros, cassavas and sweet potatoes on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

She's selling boiled corn, peanuts, taros, cassavas and sweet potatoes. I bought an ear of corn from her for 10,000 đồng [40 cents].

Two old men on a bench and two girls on climbing bars at Triangle Park on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

Teen stomped on opponent's head during basketball game

14-year-olds, 13-year-old arrested for brandishing 'fully automatic' firearms at Seattle parade

Elderly man attacked by Richmond package thief on 77th birthday

Well fed kids talking to each other in English on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

These obviously well fed kids were speaking accent free English to each other. As I took their photo, the child beggar walked in, so I had no time to adjust my camera.

Child beggar at Cóc Cóc Coffee on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

Child beggar. Two came into Cóc Cóc this morning. Like I said, you'd have to go back 20 years to see this level of destitution in Vietnam.

Coconut and Vacation in Hawaii at Cóc Cóc Coffee on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

Masked old woman on bicycle on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy

Old woman on bicycle on 7-26-24--Vung Tau copy