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Sunday, September 22, 2013



Whenever I photograph inside the subway, I have to do it very quickly, lest some jumpy, brainwashed citizen call 911 about my "suspicious" activity. Again, photography is not terrorism, and a terrorist does not need to photograph anything before he bombs it, as the FBI can well attest, they being the coaches, planners and abetters of terrorism.



Jack at CASCADIA ARTPOST said...

I have just discovered your blog through a link recently appearing on Morris Berman's "Dark Ages America" blog. Thank you for doing what you do. I grew up near Reading, PA, perhaps another city you could visit. I was last there in October 2012 - a desperate place in some ways but also full of life. ~ Jack, Olympia WA

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Jack,

Reading is not serviced by the commuter trains from Philly, I don't think, but I will try to get there. I've been wanting to go there for a while now. There are all these towns and small cities near Philly that are quite distinctive, with their own personalities, as you well know... Anyway, I'm very glad someone put up a link to here from Morris Berman's blog. That is one great blog.


Linh Dinh said...

Hi Jack,

The first place I lived in when coming to the US was Tacoma, Washington, and to this day, I still identify with that part of the country, as if I'm somehow from there. I spent three years in the Pacific Northwest altogether, with the last two in Salem, Oregon. When the Mariners first started playing, I listened to their games on the radio, and I still remember the score from their very first game, a 6-0 loss to the Oakland A's, I think. I remember Ruppert Jones and Enrique Romo of the M's, Slick Watts of the Sonics and Jim Zorn, Steve Largent and Sherman Smith ("the tank") of the Seahawks. The Pacific Northwest was my American childhood. Since I left, I have only returned once, however, and that was to give a reading at Evergreen College in Olympia. I arrived by bus from Missoula, MT, and so had a few hours in Seattle. Sometimes in dreams, I see myself in Seattle, such a hold that city has on me.
