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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Since my bin Laden observations were scattered in several articles and interviews,

I decided to consolidate them into a single piece. At LewRockwell.com, it's being published as "Bin Laden: What Do We Really Know?", at Counter Currents out of India, it's "Bin Laden The Vindicator," and at Unz Review, it's "The Strange Death of Osama Bin Laden".

At 3:52AM, minutes after its posting at LewRockwell.com, I got a very nice comment from a gentleman in "Darkest Hampshire, Olde England":

"Thanks a metric ton for exposing and highlighting all the loose ends of the bin Laden affair in one compact, handy article! As always, you write clearly, vividly, and persuasively.

I am keeping a copy of your article for reference on this topic. It's canonical!"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Linh: Likewise, above, we finally got copy printer ink, and I too have your "Bin Laden the Vindicator" article at night table.

This past Thursday, I read Justin Raimondo's interesting article on Seymour Hersh's contrary findings on the Bin Laden "hit" at www.Antiwar.com. One of my weekly favorites, Mr. Raimondo apparently accepts Sy Hersh's revelations, but very skeptical, & wary of multi-layers of Official deceit, I have not.

11-years old and watching black & white TV, I saw Jack Ruby enter Dallas police corridor, and shoot the world's most "Wanted Man," Lee Harvey Oswald.

Heavily socialized by TV cowboy shows like "Gunsmoke" at the time, I thought, holy moly, Gene Autry could have better guarded JFK's assassin! Thank you!