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Friday, October 2, 2015


Shoner Leben ohne Nazis!--Leipzig

"Better living without Nazis!"


1 comment:

x larry said...

am reminded of the non-conversation i had last weekend with my one german friend here. i mentioned the possibility, just the possibility, that there were no gas chambers, that much or even all of the holocaust COULD be a hoax. this based on stuff recommended by a commenter on this site: ernst zundel, now in a jail in germany for over five years, extradited from canada, because he BELIEVES, yes he just thinks, that the holocaust is a big lie. this is illegal in germany. he wasn't even in germany for something like 30 years (though he is german), but because his website could be accessed in germany he was guilty of subversion or something--really just THINKING THE WRONG THOUGHTS---VERBOTEN. anyway, my friend got very agitated--'that's fucking bullshit', etc. i said how do you know? i said, you know, i thought the same thing but was open minded enough to look at lots of stuff, esp a video of zundel being interviewed by an israeli journalist, and i was if not convinced at least now very open to it. but, i added, to me it actually makes sense. what did i by myself come up with many years ago? that whatever they say (and the holocaust, more than almost anything, is POUNDED into our heads from birth nearly 24/7), believe something like the opposite. that would check out here.
so the u.s. military occupies germany. but who occupies the german mind?