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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Meanwhile, in Kensington:


"Video Shows Woman Being Beaten While Crowd Watches."

I've written quite a bit about Kensington. Do check out "White Living," "Kensington" and "Jack's Famous Bar." When Ali Razeen was in town, I also took him to the neighborhood, after which he wrote "The Hell of Our Present Existence."



Ian Keenan said...

She'd be on the national news if she was in a Muslim country soon to be invaded.

duncsbaby said...

Stomach churning. Good thing it wasn't a white person beating up a black otherwise it be national news. It was just a black guy beating up a digitally blurred person.

Unknown said...

Apart from your chronicle of the sad reality that is the US, I think I love the name of your blog the most. I'm from Australia and constantly debate packing up and leaving the decaying hell hole. I live in San Diego, which is supposedly considered one of the best cities in the US, but outside the small, very rich neighborhoods, the rest of the city is vast swathes of ghetto. The worst part is the American people are so brainwashed into believing that the US is the peak of the world that they accept the way things are, and can't comprehend that other countries aren't full of homeless people, ghettos, criminals and gun totting lunatics.
This country truly is crumbling.