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Monday, June 26, 2017

In the last two years, a friend in Frankfurt, Germany

has been providing us with reports on that country. This morning, Christian sent me the latest, and I responded with six emails, only three of which reached his mailbox. Never before has this happened.

It is ironic that Christian's report is mostly about two new laws that allow the German state to monitor its citizens' electronic communication and to criminalize statements made online.

One law is called Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz [Network Enforcement Law], while the other is popularly dubbed Lauschangriff [Bugging Operation].

I have just suggested to Christian that he should open a gmail or yahoo account, so he and I could communicate without being molested by the Lauschangriff, but since this very email may be intercepted, I'm reposting this suggestion here.



Rudy said...

Maybe Dropbox would work.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Rudy,

My emails sent this evening were also blocked. These fuckers are showing their fangs. When Christian sees this blog post in the morning, he will find another way to reach me.

It will only get worse...
