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Friday, May 1, 2020


American Express in Gwangbok-dong on 4-30-20--Busan




Yves-Marie Stranger said...

Bonjour Linh Dinh,

I like your pictures and your writing, that I read regularly.

I enjoy your prose in general, and I really liked reading your USA pieces, but now I look to your pieces on Asia, one for their own merits, and two because I can compare with the one country I know very well (Ethiopia), besides the country I call home (France, although I'm British by birth). I first really got into your writing, with what you used to write about the recycling factory--I found that endlessly fascinating.

This is not exactly a Corona missive (yet it does talk of that too), but a commentary on the last twenty years in Ethiopia.

Galloping Ahead in Ethiopia: https://www.ethiopia-insight.com/2020/04/29/galloping-ahead-in-ethiopia/

I thought you may be interested in reading it.

Keep up the great work and Godspeed.

Yves-Marie Stranger

Linh Dinh said...

Many thanks, Yves-Marie. I'll read it right now.

Rudy said...

Well, Yves-Marie,

That was absolutely fascinating!

Thank you.