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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Kevin Barrett on Unz Review being banned and purged by FaceBook,

with all contents and links eliminated, resulting in an immediate 20% drop in readership:


UR has published politically incorrect articles on such topics as Jews, immigration, and race for many years (alongside lots of less un-PC stuff) without triggering the censors. OBVIOUSLY its exposure of COVID-19 as a likely US/Zionist bio-attack on China and Iran led to the FB ban.

Hugely sensitive secrets about world-changing deep state crimes tend to get censored and suppressed most ruthlessly during the immediate aftermath of the crisis, when public perceptions are still malleable. During the first few years after the JFK assassination, brutal censorship was imposed, and dozens if not hundreds of people were killed, including writers like Mary Meyer and Dorothy Killgallen who were murdered to prevent publication of books exposing the crime. Likewise, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, tremendous pressure was applied to the FBI agents looking into the massive Israeli intelligence op in the US (the biggest foreign intelligence operation ever launched against America) during the run-up to the attacks; and researchers reported facing extreme levels of harassment and stonewalling. For example, Jimmy Walter, a multi-millionaire who funded full-page 9/11 truth ads in the NYT and WaPo, was run out of the country by threats and attacks, and has been living in exile ever since. Even a fairly obscure Chicago Muslim, only moderately influential in that community, was driven into exile because he appeared on the radio in fall 2001 calling 9/11 a false flag.

By the late 1960s and early 1970s, Mark Lane among others was publishing bestsellers exposing the JFK coup. And by 2005 the 9/11 truth movement was picking up steam and being tolerated.

So UR was almost certainly banned for exposing coronavirus biowar in a timely and potentially destabilizing manner.



Rudy said...

"So UR was almost certainly banned for exposing coronavirus biowar in a timely and potentially destabilizing manner."


eahilf said...


Did you actually read any of those articles? -- congrats if you read all of them, because Unz has published quite a few.

Hugely sensitive secrets about world-changing deep state crimes tend to get censored and suppressed ...

Maybe -- but no "secrets" were published by Unz, just speculation, much of it not even very intelligent speculation, by people whose evident and existing biases (as shown by their previous writing) have presupposed them to believe that COVID-19 is a bioweapon used by the US against China, which is the speculation advanced by nearly every article published there -- certainly there has never been any convincing evidence of this published by Unz (I have read many of the articles on unz.com; I also commented on a few of theme).

Personally I have no idea; I suppose it is possible "coronavirus biowar" is being waged by one side or the other -- but I want to see convincing evidence before I believe it.

However, banning any such speculation and discussion, however scurrilous and evidence-free, is idiotic -- but that's what you get when your country is run by dumb women and beta males: a lot of idiocy.

If anything, YouTube (run by a vapid woman) is worse than FB.

xlarry said...

i agree about unz articles. i thought ron unz's first article, the only one i read actually, was pretty crap. it seems likely thatif there's a virus at all, it's a joint operation withthe chinese govt. it's all so obviously about control, and of course vaccines, which seem to be super activated by 5g. don't understand yet but haveseen some on this, esp 'the truth about vaccines', featuring bobby kennedy and the infamous (to the elites) andrew wakefield.