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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sent by Chuck Orlovski on 5/23/20:


West Scranton on 5-22-20

High Noon at Gerrity's Supermarket and am glad this little guy wasn't packing "heat." In pic, he looks like he's ready to draw. Moments earlier, he deftly got by the entrance batwing door's security-employee while slightly wearing a face mask. Soon, he removed the mask, and rule abiding shoppers started to complain to staff.

The guy went nuts, started to use profanity and yelled, "I have asthma and don't anybody tell me to wear a fucking mask in here! I might collapse & Gerrity must pay ambulance & hospital bills."

Shoppers stopped, it looked like a Dodge City Saloon fight 'a brewin'. Soon, Gerrity's big and cool headed Manager, Tom, showed up in order to quell the scary disturbance. Tom politely informed the little man that he can telephone the store, place an order, and after paying bill, every item will be handed to him ourtside; delivery service too.

Steadfast, Tom brushed away the fusillade of insults/curses, and logically said, "Look it, Mister. You have these two choices. 1. Either get out now and reenter with your mask on, or, 2. Call the store and place your order!" Cursing & with spit issuing from mouth, the little man covered his face, bought an item, and marched outside, & started to preach to incoming shoppers, "The bastards want to make me die inside there!"

Is Full Moon tonight over Scranton, but I cannot blame the Moon for this Leaping idiot's having touched down on Gerrity's floor.



Anonymous said...

Rather disturbing. The photo commentary berates the older man for his profanity, which quite rightly is unacceptable yet puts the emphasis on him not wearing a mask. The vast majority of masks are wholly inadequate in preventing airborne infection, without eye protection, useless. Add the medically unsupported idea of 6 feet social distancing ; originated in a 2006 high school project, I kid you not, reveals the
'need to be seen to be doing something' approach so many western countries have adopted. Who knows what the man has experienced in his life, given his lack of restraint I would imagine he's no stranger to being ordered around. To blindly follow ineffective rules is actually far worse than that of this supposed crime.

Rabbit said...

If it was me, you'd be wishing I was only packing heat. I do not take this shit from anyone. I've had a lifetime of non-conformism to practice and can't fit in with the crowd even if I wanted to. Here in Australia anyway none of their mandates have any legal standing. Not laws, if they were they'd only be state laws and Federal law overrides state laws always. We have several acts which ensure none of these can be enforced. It just takes enough backbone to say so and push back.