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Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Skanderbeg on 9-28-20--Skopje



1 comment:

Dule said...

Djuradj (alb. Gierg) Kastriot(ić) Skenderbeg (1405-1468) was a Serbian aristokrat whose land possessions included parts of present day Albania. Because of his role in the resistance to Ottoman invaders he is regarded as a national hero by Albanians. Djuradj's family Kastriot(ić) is descended of the old Serbian brotherhood (clan) of Branilović (Branilo) from Zeta in present day Montenegro. Skanderbeg's grandfather, Pavle Kastriotić, moved to Yjanjina in Epirus as a Serbian mullet. Skanderbeg's father, Ivan Kastriot, was the prince of Epirus, who held Matt, Croy, Mirdit, and Diber. His mother, Vojislava, was also a princess of Serbian origin, the daughter of Grgur Branković and the grandson of the famous Serbian knight Vuk Branković.