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Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Perugino Bar on 6-7-21--Peshkopi

Perugino Bar. Again, all the evocations of foreign places.

Here, I met two 19-years-olds. One was studying in Durres to become an electrician, with the hope of landing a job in Germany. The other was preparing for seasonal farm work in Italy, near Naples. His English was very good. In fact, he had won two English essay writing contests in high school.

"So what was your prize?" I asked.

"A piece of chocolate! A large piece of chocolate." We laughed.

He will be in Italy for at least three months, and no more than six. "It will be hard work, but at least I'll make money. I can do the same here and make no money."

He lives at home with his parents and a sibling, and they also have some land in the countryside.

He told me about an ex classmate, "He had an A+ in every class. He was so smart. His English was perfect. He's now in America."

Most interestingly, he believed Albania would be better off if it was still attached to Turkey. That's the fate of a small country. You're always looking for a protector. Very few Americans understand this. Although merely flunkies, slaves or mercenaries of the empire, they see the world, most arrogantly, through the empire's perspective.


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