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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Capetonian friend just sent me these two photos,

taken at The Locomotive Bar on 10/30/21, just before I left lovely Cape Town:

Locomotive Bar in Cape Town on 10/30/21 Locomotive Bar in Cape Town on 10/30/21

This is why they're targeting southern Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa, by extension. With the fewest lockdowns, lowest Covid "vaccination" rates and, as you can see here, no social distancing, black Africa has the fewest deaths, by far, from this manufactured Covid crisis.

African life has been way too normal. This reality exposes as nonsense all their extreme measures everywhere else, so they have to do something.

With Omicron, they're punishing southern Africa economically. Suddenly, the tourists are gone, and southern Africans are blocked from many countries. To not be shunned, Africans must be poisoned, they're insisting.

Three months earlier, my first day in Cape Town had also been like this, drinking and carousing with friendly strangers, but at Sweeties on Long Street.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linh, You are looking good there! You might not want to leave...We are still in Spain, where life is normal too...so far. We will wait til January to decide our move if France continues on the path downhill! Take care of yourself! Cheers, Tom (from france)

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Tom,

That was a month ago. I'm in Windhoek now. I had some unexpected drama today. I'll talk about it tomorrow.
