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Monday, November 15, 2021

Food drop deep in the jungle northwest of Chiang Rai, Thailand, as sent by a reader:

Just a couple of years before COVID, the Thai Baht had an increase in value. This led to Europeans looking for holidays elsewhere (esp. Turkey) for better value vacations--so tourists in this area slowed. Then came COVID and problems increased tenfold. The tribals who depended on a stream of tourist income certainly went/are hungry.

One village was so desperate they begged and took 60% of what we had, though we had 5+ villages to go. Nevertheless, people were nice and patient. I think we will do the same sometime soon.

The organizer is a Thai lady named 'Awe' in all black with money pouch around neck. I'm the goofball on the far right.

1 comment:

Biff said...

Handsome group ;^)