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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"Ausländer" ["Foreigner"] by Rammstein:

Ich reise viel, ich reise gern
Fern und nah und nah und fern
Ich bin zuhause überall
Meine Sprache, international

Ich mache es gern jedem recht
Ja, mein Sprachschatz ist nicht schlecht
Ein scharfes Schwert im Wortgefecht
Mit dem anderen Geschlecht

Ich bin kein Mann für eine Nacht
Ich bleibe höchstens ein, zwei Stunden
Bevor die Sonne wieder lacht
Bin ich doch schon längst verschwunden
Und ziehe weiter meine Runden

Ich bin Ausländer (Ausländer)
Mi amor, mon chéri
Ausländer (Ausländer)
Ciao, ragazza, take a chance on me
Ich bin Ausländer (Ausländer)
Mon amour, Я люблю тебя
Ein Ausländer (Ausländer)
Come on, baby, c'est, c'est, c'est la vie

Andere Länder, andere Zungen
So hab ich mich schon früh gezwungen
Dem Missverständnis zum Verdruss
Dass man Sprachen lernen muss

Und wenn die Sonne untergeht
Und man vor Ausländerinnen steht
Ist es von Vorteil, wenn man dann
Sich verständlich machen kann

Ich bin kein Mann für eine Nacht
Ich bleibe höchstens ein, zwei Stunden
Bevor die Sonne wieder lacht
Bin ich doch schon längst verschwunden
Und ziehe weiter meine Runden

Ich bin Ausländer (Ausländer)
Mi amor, mon chéri
Ausländer (Ausländer)
Ciao, ragazza, take a chance on me
Ich bin Ausländer (Ausländer)
Mon amour, Я люблю тебя
Ein Ausländer (Ausländer)
Come on, baby, c'est, c'est, c'est la vie

Du kommen mit, ich dir machen gut
Du kommen mit, ich dir machen gut
Du kommen mit, ich dir machen gut


Anonymous said...

Hi Linh, Crazy Video, sign of the times, I guess!! Cheers, Tom (from france)

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Tom,

I discovered Rammstein when I was in Leipzig in 2015. This video came out in 2019, and I saw it maybe a year later. Now that I'm in the former German colony of Namibia, it has added resonance. The Germans massacred up to 100,000 people, mostly the Hereros.

Online, you can find many example of their "traditional dresses," but these are clearly more European than African. I've only seen one woman like that in Windhoek.

Traditionally, the Hereros didn't wear much of anything, and it's understandable. It's only Spring, yet the temperature has breached 90 Fahrenheit regularly. Inside my apartment, I'm "dressed" like a Herero.


Anonymous said...

Hey, LD, off topic, but if you need any more evidence what pussies the Rightwingers are, check these two links out:



The first is Project Veritas being taken down--nobody did anything about it. The second is all they can muster as an attack on The (Kosher) Man. Fucking sad.

PCR mentioned that his grandparents would have burned DC down, but nowadays nothing but a bunch of pussies!

Linh Dinh said...

Over at Unz, the white nationalist writers are strangely silent about the vaccine mass murder. Yes, black crime and brown illegal immigration are serious problems, but what about your children being jabbed to death?! At TruthSeeker, my last Covid death jab article elicited this response:

"If you look closely at the photo ‘Wimpy Moments’, attached to this article, you’ll see what appears to be a white woman sitting next to a simian male, as she’s holding some mulatto mutant on her lap…another white female killing off here race to fight ‘racism’…thus we learn ‘racism’ is just a cipher for ‘white(s)’."

That's it, in its entirety! That's what the pussy got out of my "Covid Box Car, Vaccine Plunge Dip and Faucian Bargain"!

Another pussy complained, "Why do people that travel, especially to obscure useless cowering 3rd world countries, have to natter about it like it is something special or even interesting ?"

These pussies are so stupid, mean-spirited and ugly, they can only provoke contempt and disgust.

Namibians are not cowering. Life here is normal. It's the UK, US, Australia, Austria and Germany, etc., that are being deformed most grotesquely, as most of their citizens cower.

Americans like to make fun of the French ("They fight with their feet and fuck with their face," etc.), but they've been fighting back harder than anybody else.

Like I said, there’s no true resistance or hope until the first meaningful assassination. Only galvanized by this can a pushback begin.

Singing Let's Go Brandon won't do jackshit. Biden is a just a wobbly standee figurehead.


Linh Dinh said...

P.S. I find it absurdly ironic that as this Angry White Pussy cowers, he speaks of "cowering 3rd world countries," but, like I said, Sub-Saharan Africa is the least vaccinated, and where life is most normal right now. Black Africans are not the ones cowering.

craig dudley said...

ich habbe die meisten mein deutsch vergessen. veleich sie kanst mache diese musik auf english?

and the empire is mostly made up of those who only prosper with their reduction of others to a lesser valuation, hence freedom fries and other abominations created by our 'goebbels' to make the great unwashed feel better about themselves, and their rulers, when everyone doesn't go along with the propaganda.

Anonymous said...

LD, glad you mentioned the AWP vis a vis the French. They all recite the tale that their "Greatest Generation" grandpappy told them about how the French ran from the Blitzkrieg--all in the context of their BS victory over the same Krauts that had already been beaten by the Soviets. Never mentioned either is the WWI "No Pasaran"!

And yes, both the Yellow Vests and the current Covid resistance have afaik no equal in the rest of the Zionist Empire.

And yeah, how many AWPs were in the military? They didn't have any problem killing civilians in foreign countries, yet NONE can muster up a guerilla group that starts taking out some puppets! Or how fucking hard can it be for a few thousand white fucks to go free James O'Keefe of Project Veritas from the FBI? He's a right winger who did nothing but expose left collaborator crimes! Fucking embarrassing.