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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Lizard outside kitchen window on 2-8-22--Windhoek copy

Outside my kitchen window. They like to lie on top of a wooden gate to sun themselves. Hearing me walking by, one dropped to the ground, but this one stayed put, though with his heart beating visibly.

Sunlight gives you vitamin D, a deterrent to Covid, so these low-IQ "anti-vaxxers" are also smarter than contemporary man.

1 comment:

xlarry said...

ha, good one linh! but we're only super dumb by design--including all sorts of chemicals like chlorine and fluoride, in our water systems, sprayed over us in chem trails. vaccines for over a hundred years have strongly contributed to weakening our systems, and especially since 1989 (a huge rollout year for lots and lots of new mandatory vaccines) have greatly increased a once unknown or extremely rare phenomenon called autism, very likely caused by brain swelling due to heavy metals deliberately put in vaccines. but those are REAL vaccines, not the latest deadly concoction 'for kids from one to 92'--sing it!