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Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Ukrainian town under Russian control, as recorded on 3/16/22:


Anonymous said...


We have been in communication once or twice before, if ever so briefly at that, but I must leave this anon now because of corp non-disclosures.

Here is an interesting bit of information that may allude to a shadow war being conducted in the digital realm. While we do hear a lot about this and that website, both Russian and Euro and Anglo being taken off line by DDOS attacks, we have not heard much about corporate hacking and disablement.

But it is happening and the feds are keeping it under wraps.

I work for a fortune 500 company. Two weeks ago, the internal servers crashed. No one had access to email or any network data and all computer programs that require network authentication. Engineering and manufacturing was crippled. Full service was finally restored after thirteen days, with one week completely dark. During this time the corporation made no acknowledgement of the outage internally or externally. And reports on one industry website forum said that posts discussing and commenting on the probably hacking, on reddit and twitter and facebook, had been deleted (by whom?).

The corporation still has not publicly declared this major breach, despite fiduciary responsibility (legal necessity) to inform investors, and there is no news internally on what the root cause was other than rumours pointing to a hack. In fact, the officially spread rumour is so preposterous as to be laughable. They are blaming an unnamed exec in England for being phished and the hackers gaining access there. But that is not possible because the European branches of the corp were not affected and, besides, exist on their own network that is independent of the corp network. Access from overseas can only be accomplished through a vpn and a web based network mirror. Obviously I am no IT expert and cannot rule out that the hackers could get from england network to USA, but it seems unlikely.

The only mention of any uptick in corp hacking was a recent bulletin from the FBI on ransomware attacks (which I cannot now re-find the link to). Apparently there have been upwards of 50 attacks since Jan 2022.

Spooks both here and in Russia all concede that corporate and govt infrastructure is heavily compromised by state backed and independent hackers. Everyone has a finger in the pie for espionage, certainly, and for war, possibly.

My take on it, in consideration of the radio silence from the Corp and Govt is that the hack was a malicious act by the Russians. It could not have been malware because we would already know what they stole. Nothing has been stolen or leaked or deleted, so far as anyone knows. This hack was merely a show of power to the USA that the Russians could, at the press of a button, bring every corporation on the NASDAQ to a grinding halt. Imagine what would have been the fallout if they had deleted all of the server databases. . .

Tin Whistle

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Tin Whistle,

Thanks. It's interesting they didn't do more. They could have deleted a bunch of files to really show their power!


Anonymous said...


Yes. It is interesting. Maybe they did delete things. But they would have deleted the important stuff (engineering documents and financials), in which case I would know about it.

I wonder how many other corps have been hacked since Feb . . . No one is reporting on it. For a corporation as big as this one, at least the local news should be covering it.

And that they STILL haven't even told us internally what has been compromised is telling.

Tin Whistle

Anonymous said...

Blue skies....obviously with the ongoing "operation" there are no Government military flights spraying Chem-Trails. Chem-Trails cover the sun and lower human health. Normal skies look like the ones in the video. Another good video update...thanks!