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Monday, May 2, 2022

Bayview and PIZZA Company on 5-2-22--Vung Tau copy

A Thai chain, Pizza Company is actually not bad, judging from two of its pasta dishes I had in Saigon 2 1/2 years ago. I'll probably go to Pizza Company soon to get my pizza fix. I never had pizza during my eight months in South Africa and Namibia.

1 comment:

Biff said...

Pizza company has a long sorted history, and is the brain child of just one man. An upper executive that was working for Pizza Hut, they were giving him the shaft, so he took all his connections suppliers/vendors/customers, and started the Pizza company on his own. Result - The Pizza company is huge and Pizza Hut is all but gone. I think the guy is from Belgium but I could be wrong. A rough out line from what the wife told me when we were staying in one of his hotels(he’s got a lot of irons in the fire).