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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Three stores on Ba Cu on 5-3-22--Vung Tau copy

C-One Designer Dresses, Decoys Clothing Store and Gia Bảo Distributor of Lottery Tickets. The Vietnamese dream is to have a store profitable enough to expand and modernize your house, often above said store, so that you have several clean toilets, an air conditioner in every room and modern appliances for your kitchen. In recent years, many Vietnamese have also traveled overseas, since they didn't just have the money to do it, but a passport that was welcomed in many more countries, so a visa was easily obtained or even waived. Covid has arrested these improvements to the Vietnamese lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

The Indian dream is to buy a house and rent it out and make passive income, the upper castes especially have a serious aversion to working with their hands or working in general (even if they are poor).


Anonymous said...

These new buildings look like filing cabinets.