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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

"i need money for my family"to the western man confused about vnese gf

I was reading some threads about love between Vietnamese women and Western man. One from a girl who expressed the embarrassing about some dirty vnese women, in her thread she wrote: "There  are many reasons for Vietnamese woman to cheat them:
1. They want to leave Vietnam to emigrate to the other country
2. They are too poor and need money to help family
3. They are beautiful but lazy and want someone bring money back to her" - Thuy-

i read another threads, they 'r (western man) confusing that we (vnese women) love their money or love them. And one sentence i met almost in all thread seem to be "i need money for my famiy".
In my hometown called Tay Ninh, there are many girl marry with foreigner for exactly this reason. You can believe it or not, if you are vnese you can understand, espeacially u r from same hometown with me or from Mien Tay (Mekong delta). They marry with Taiwan, China, Singapore, Malaysia.. through marrige agency. Ok but they are Asia too, not well educated and non english speaking, having no more choice,  they r treated like a product in market. when foreigner come to Agency they look at them and chose the girl they want (no communication), they offer a price and if that girl or her family feel good about that money-> ok lets marry. :D :D

For all of threads i read are completely diffirent i think. Here we have Western, America, Aus.. and vnese girl who speak english well or so so like me that have a chance to date to chose to trap.. maybe  :whistle:

Hey western guy, i want to marry you! why? i give you my reason:
1. I want to leave Vietnam to emigrate to Europe
2. My family are poor and need money to help family
3. i'm not beautiful but i think i'm look ok. i'm lazy sometimes and want somebody bring money to me.
Today i will not give any example about any other vnese women. i will talk about myself. I dont know i'm a typical vnese women or not but i hope i'm. Do you think that i require from you too much? i think you do and i have some question for you:
1. why dont you marry your native women?
2. why do you want to marry vnese women? or what u guys want from us
3. what do you want to give us or what do you have that persiut us to marry you?
for 2 first question, they are real questions so plz give me your oppion.

IF you aske me the same questions i would say:
1. i dont want to marry my native man bc they are strict, they not opened-mind, they have traditional thinking that women should stay at home to clean the fridge intead of going out with friend or company party and no female friend. (sr if any vnese men could read that, i just thinking about my ex, not you. hihi)

2. I want to marry foreigner bc i lost my belief on vnese, i want to make s.th diffirent for my life. And i think you guys are opened-mind. In your country the goverment have equal-sex law i think and it go to your mind even when you are a child through your parents. Here vnese women are not protected, they are insulted, they are weak and suffer violence from their beloved man. i dont want to suffer it like the way my mom experient..
non equal-sex exist deeply in us. for examply my brother, he saw the non equal-sex around since he was a child, he said to me that he would never do that, but who know, know he is an adult and mayby he think he have the right to do that... bc every body do that.

3. What do i have? i have warm heart, i never want cheat, never hurt anyone, i can cook for you, can take care for you when you r drunk, or u r sick, can keep calm when u r angry+ drunk and could YELLING at you on next day   :idontagree: . I will love our children and take care well for them like the way my mom did, will not talk bad about u to them even i hate u sometimes maybe  :idontagree: i can love your parents like mine bc i saw my mom did it and i know how to make a real family. YOU KNOW WHAT? what i said are not my outstanding charecter, they are BASIC charecters of vnese women that you can easily find at any vnese girl.

About money, gift, living in developed country. Yes, we like it. why s not? but.. (everybody have their own anwer i no need to say more)

i supper hate a Western man who wrote :" if i dont have money, have no good job, will you love me?" oh i hope he ask me this question, i would say NEVERRR!!!
It s your fail that you were lazy on studying or on working that push u into a bad situation of no money and good job.
why i have to love you? give me a reason? or just bc you r from a developed country, you r white, not yellow not black.
I will tell you, you r human and me also,so YOU NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE US!!
Dont say about your money all the time bc the person who like money is you.




Biff said...

As I was running for the hills I realized it was just a story, and had nothing to do with me.

Anonymous said...

cathartic, even for a man...

Anonymous said...

The marriage agency sounds like a sort of cattle auction which allows women to sell their asses to the highest bidder. Could be a pretty good deal for them if the agency doesn't charge too large a fee, but I believe they could do the same thing on the internet.

Linh Dinh said...

Urgent message for Biff: Woman above wants your email address, curriculum vitae and, most importantly, latest bank statement. In exchange, she'll send you 6 GB's worth of nude photos, including breathtakingly spectacular shots never seen by any human. To change your life immediately, contact her through the link embedded in post.

Anonymous said...

Love your stuff, Linh. Especially since my wife is VNese. Good luck, brother.

Linh Dinh said...

The profile of the woman who wrote this says she's in Germany, so she found her "western guy" apparently. It also states she wants to move back to Vietnam.