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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Playing Chess Russian Style

Brother Nathaenel


THE GAME OF CHESS is all about “checkmating” the opponent’s king.

Achieving the inescapable capture of that king unshielded by other pieces means victory.

The “Grand Chessboard” today has two main players:

Russia and America.

Russia is famed for its chess champions…

…America for its movies made by Jews.

I’ll take a chess champion any day.

Many acclaim Putin as the title-holder.

Calculation, focus, patience, a fighting spirit…makes you a champ.

Many characterize Putin as a “monarch”—(Jews say “dictator” in their contemptuous way)—in the tradition of the Russian Czars.

Monarchy no longer exists in Russia thus Putin is not a de jure monarch.

He’s a “natural” de facto monarch.

Not because he wants to be, but because the Russian people want him to be.

If not Putin, another “Russia-First” autocrat will be mandated by popular demand.

With a whopping 80% approval, Putin as a “natural” monarch moves the chess pieces to capture the “king” of Russia’s opponent:

The totalitarian Jew-controlled West.

A “natural” monarch—so as to inspire the people to willingly follow—must first “embody” the nation’s spirit and temperament.

A study in contrasts illustrates this.

Exhibit A. [Clips]

[”I-I-I shouldn’t it. I’m gonna say something I don’t–I probably shouldn’t say. Anyway, I am, uh, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental fil– my sphysical as well as my mental fil- fitness, and, uh, to uh, you know, to make a judgement about who I am. And wha- what state of affairs I have, ah, what kind of physical shape I’m in. What kind of mental shape I’m in.” ]

[”The list of your political opponents who are dead, imprisoned, or are jailed is long. Alexy Navalny in his organization called for free and fair elections, an end to corruption. But Russia has outlawed that organization calling it ‘extremist.’ And you have now prevented anyone who supports him to run for office. So my question is, Mr President, what are you so afraid of?”

“The organization in question has publicly called for riots and public disorder. It called for the participation of underage persons in the riots. This is prohibited by Russian laws. It has openly instructed people on how to make Molotov cocktails to use them against the law enforcement, while publicly disclosing the location information of police officers. America lately went through a grievous chain of events after a certain African-American person was killed, and an entire movement, the Black Lives Matter Movement, emerged. I’m not going to go into details, I’ll spare you, but we’ve seen killings, looting, and violations and riots. We sympathize with the Americans but we do not want the same thing happening on Russian soil. We will do everything possible to prevent this. And, it’s not about me fearing anything.”]

Exhibit B—Again on a leader embodying a nation’s spirit and temperament. [Clips]

[”And I had a nurse at uh, nurses at, uh, Walter Reed Hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear.” “Wow.” “They’d go home and get me pillows. They would make sure–actually, probably nothing ever taught in ah, you can’t do it in the COVID time, but they’d actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.”]

[”Did you ever notice the walking style of Russian President Vladimir Putin? The way he walks with his right-hand half rigid while his left hand swings freely. Technically, this kind of move is called ‘Clearly-reduced right-sided arm swing.’ The British Medical Journal published this study in 2015. In this study the team of neurologists studied his walking style and said that he dons a strange gunslingers move.”]

A “straaange” gunslinger must know who’s deadly and dangerous. [Clip]

[”‘We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by common fate on our land…’ These are the first words of our fundamental law, the Russian Constitution. And each of these words is filled with a deep sense, and has a tremendous meaning. On our land, united by common fate. This is what the people of Crimea and Sevastopol must have been thinking and led by as they went to take part in the referendum on March 18, 2014. They lived and continue to live on their land, and they wanted to live a common destiny with their historical motherland, Russia. They had every right to do so and they achieved their goal. Let us first of all congratulate them on the occasion of this holiday. It is their holiday. Congratulations! [Cheers!]

[”The residents of Crimea and Sevastopol made the right choice when they put up a firm barrier against neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists. What was and is still happening on other territories is the best indication that they did the right thing.”]

It’s a slow but methodical draw of the gun.

Like chess: strategy, position, patience, carry the day.

“Denazification” is one of the aims of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

The Ukronatsis have concrete fortifications with underground bunkers and subterranean tunnels echelon upon echelon in a 200 mile stretch reaching from Mariupul to Kharkiv.

Some 40,000 Ukrainian forces are embedded in these strongholds.

Thus, step-wise, tedious patience is the modus operandi of the Russian military to “de-nazify.” [Clip]

[”The main goal and motive of the military operation that we launched in Donbass and Ukraine is to relieve these people of suffering, of this genocide. This is what the goal is. At this point, I recall the words from the Holy Scripture: ‘Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ [Applause!] And we are seeing how heroically our military is fighting during this operation. (Cheers! Applause! Cheers!) The best evidence of this is how our fellows are fighting and acting in this operation: shoulder to shoulder, helping and supporting each other. If they have to, they will cover each other with their bodies to protect their comrade from a bullet in the battlefield, as they would to save their brother. It has been a long time since we had such unity. (Cheers! Applause! Cheers!)]

A “Rubicon moment” exists both in war and in chess.

You must persevere in your attack or you will fall.

Russia is ‘laying down its life for its friends’ in Ukraine to win a much wider triumph.

It is to capture the king—which is the Western, Jew-controlled, Jew-inspired, Jew-financed, “globalism project.”

I mean, “GLOB-a-lism,” then “checkmate” it, then bring that king down.

Russia has begun to extricate itself from the West’s depraved, rotted-out, Jew-controlled system by its special military operation in Ukraine.

By making its “Rubicon” move, Russia can win the game by bringing all of Ukraine into its historic Orthodox Christian orbit.

And, into its deeply shielded, enduring, ancestral civilizational fold, of which, Ukraine—prior to the Jews exploiting it for its glob-a-list aims—was part of.

The world has four civilizational poles.

Western—Jewish and Christ-hating.

Russian—Christian and Christ-loving.

Islamic—Muslim and “the prophet”-loving.

Confucian—Chinese and Oriental wisdom-loving.

Capturing the Western king is the prize.

Unshackling the remaining three poles is about to crystalize.

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