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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Parking attendant at Cafe Ca Dao on 6-5-22--Vung Tau copy

Daytime parking attendant at Cafe Ca Dao. He works every day from 7AM to noon. His main duty is to make sure no motorbike, or any of its parts, is stolen. Occasionally he also moves bikes around or runs a quick errand. Those are his only exertions. This is as easy a job as there is in Vietnam, but his monthly pay is less than $200.


Biff said...

“ His main duty is to make sure no motorbike, or any of its parts, is stolen.”

Interesting, in Thailand people leave their helmets and other belongings on their motorbikes unattended all the time, and I’ve never seen a problem - in both inner city Bangkok, and out in the sticks where I live now.
Does Vietnam have a sticky finger problem?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Biff,

It has gotten much better, but the problem still exists, and it's worse in Saigon or Hanoi. Cafe Ca Dao is also in an alley, and enclosed. If it was on a busy street, an attendant wouldn't be necessary, since no thief would try anything in front of so many eyes.


Linh Dinh said...

P.S. Even on busy streets, many restaurants, especially larger ones, still have parking attendants, so patrons don't have to worry about having their bikes stolen as they eat inside.

Biff said...

I guess it is somewhat similar. Enclosed parking garages, and off beat parking do have attendants to guard patron’ vehicles from theft and buffoonery. But again, it is not a perennial worry, unlike say, Indonesia where theft is rampant.