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Wednesday, August 31, 2022


J. R. Chloupek said...

OT Linh, but FYI, Steve Sailer's latest foray in avoidance of commenting on the world of the Great Reset and the Global American Empire (my terminology is the Empire of Evil, which I think sums things up) is "My Lesbian Dance Theory," posted at Taki's Magazine and cross-posted at limited hangout Unz Review. Smooth Sailing Steve "theorizes" that ". . .lesbians, like straight men, don't much like to dance, and aren't that good at it, while gay men and straight women tend to adore dancing." Cutting edge social commentary, don't you think?

And to think I once foolishly viewed Striving Steve as a source of unconventional wisdom. How Covid and its exposure of the Face of Evil behind the democracy mask changed us all, leaving some befuddled and some wiser. I'll take your realism about the selfish materialists running the show over Sailer and Ron Unz deflecting for the Man. Keep up the good fight, Linh.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi J. R. Chloupek,

Yeah man, it's a clear farce over there, but let them exose themselves, writers and readers, even further!


Martin said...

I keep on hearing/reading that the EU needs to stop arming the Ukrainians and start working towards peace with Russia so that they can get all their cheap Russian energy again. It's as if nobody working in Brussels or Berlin realises that Putin, after this bloody war ends, is NOT doing to go back to business as usual with the West, that Putin is not going to get bygones be bygones after the EU/NATO/USA did everything that they could - short of nuclear war - to destroy Russia.

These unelected EU bureaucrats and European presidents are beyond incompetent, they couldn't make an intelligent decision to save their life let alone ours. With the street lights out and the heaters off, come this cold, dark, winter there could easily be an explosion in rioting, looting, and violence.

It'll be the "culture enrichers" who'll kick off the looting and rioting, they'll be the most thieving, violent, and murderous when their welfare benefits no longer keep them fed and warm. The ISIS-loving Moroccans I remember so well in Brussels, a city that's 35% Muslim, will turn that city into a war zone. The cops won't be able to handle the violence in Brussels and in dozens of other "culturally enriched" cities in Europe when the shit finally hits the fan. Hopefully the police will do their job - if not it'll be a reign of terror - but I wouldn't bet on it.

I'm still concerned that the USA is gonna start WWIII after they lose, yet again, another war. One thing's for sure: If the USA starts it the Russians will finish it.