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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

More than 30 shot, 10 killed over Labor Day weekend in Philly:

Deleted comment at this blog from around August of 2021, "Butt-ugly fat Chinaman. Flee back to your rice paddy you overgrown pimple. How many cat you eat, yellow? Amellica not buy enough of your photo books for you to afford life in a First World Country? You are so ignorant. Enjoy your native Vietnamese 'art' collection. What is it, a bunch of sticks tied together?"

Oblivious, contemptuous and unspeakably stupid, America has become a country without leaders or intellectuals. Even as it exports death, venom and degeneracy, it gloats and brays, unaware of the grotesque spectacle it has become. The world looks on in horror and disgust.


Anonymous said...

It will never not be funny to me that you spent the last few years catering, even pandering, to these racists and right-wing retards on Unz who primarily followed you for your Jew-baiting blather, only to become a target of their racist/xenophobic attacks in turn. Hope you're able to make enough change after you left the Unz Review. I feel so sorry for you.

lyle said...

'a bunch of sticks tied together', something we might see in an up-market New York gallery of modern art with a million dolar price tag.

Linh Dinh said...

To "anonymous,"

I talked about black crime, yes, but I didn't pander to them, and my criticism of Jewish thinking is not Jew-baiting blather. If anything, I have amplified my criticism of Jewish thinking since I left Unz.

If you were a man, you wouldn't be commenting anonymously. Anyone can deliver these low blow hit and run comments. If you think my criticism of Jewish thinking is blather, then you are part of the problem.

I left Unz when I realized Unz himself was being dishonest. He exposed himself with his stance on the jewjab.


Linh Dinh said...

Hi everyone,

The culture of saying anything one feels like without being responsible for any of it is a huge reason why the US has become a giant shithole. This anonymous might be anything.

Since he speaks of "right wing retards," then he's probably a left wing retard, but I have never spoken of left or right, since such simplistic division is for retards.


Anonymous said...

Linh, you have described America so, so well. The problem is that it (USA) is also likely to bring planetary destruction - to "save" the planet as these progeny of Satan see things. May God have mercy on our beautiful Mother Earth.

Linh Dinh said...

"Hope you're able to make enough change [...] I feel so sorry for you."

Amazing, the condescension of the woke, and I'm sure he's been jabbed and boostered. If anyone deserves pity, it's this moron, but he's not going to get it if he doesn't change.

Years ago, I spoke of black crime and Jewish power, and I still do. I'm amplifying my attack on Jewish power because it is enaged in the greatest genocide in history.

Biff said...

Comments like that are born out of self hatred, but I’ve already expended too much energy feeling sorry for those pricks anymore. Some people are just their own worst enemies.