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Saturday, September 17, 2022

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good political humor, but if you think that moving from California to Texas or Florida will solve your problems, you should first spend some time living there during one of their 100 plus degree, 80 percent humidity summers. To be sure, SF and LA are becoming disaster areas thanks to the likes of Chesa Boudin and George Gascon (which probably won't bother you if you have the kind of money that allows you to float above it all) but in other parts of CA, such as San Diego and parts south of SF, the weather is fair, the cities are clean, and prices are about the same as in TX (rents can be a bit steep, but the pay level in CA is also higher for comparable work). And while Texas and Florida may not have state taxes, their property and sales taxes can make things more difficult than living in CA unless you're very well off.