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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Another comment of mine at SubStack:


Hi everyone,

Graham Siebert's downplaying of the Jew in Jewjabs mirrors his failure to acknowledge how Jewish is the war in Ukraine.

That country's president (Volodymyr Zelensky), chairman of parliament (Ruslan Stefanchuk) and defense minister (Oleksii Reznikov) are all Jews. Jews are so proud of this, there's this Tablet article from 3/4/22, just as the war was starting, "Jewish Ukraine Fights Nazi Russia":


Zelensky as president is a creation of Igor Kolomoisky, an Israeli Jewish oligarch so corrupt, he's even banned from entering the US! Before being lauded by the Jewish media as the new Churchill, Zelensky's greatest claim to fame was playing the piano on TV with his penis:


Like Graham Siebert, Zelensky, Stefanchuk and Reznikov are not fighting and dying for Ukraine, but advocating for the continued slaughter of Slavs, whether Ukrainians or Russians.

Like Siebert, Gonzalo Lira is also married to a Ukranian and is living there through the war. Unlike Siebert, Lira sees clearly the Jewish role in this tragedy, and grieves for all the dead and maimed Slavs on both sides.

Here's Lira on Victoria Nuland, a Jewish American who's a key player in this outrage:




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