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Monday, April 24, 2023

Meanwhile, in the land of infantile idiocy:

No fringe freak, he's all over American TV and had a conversation with Biden. Since Joe can't converse, it must have been a super short one.

1 comment:

WayWay said...

From an article by Alexander Dugin,

"And, post-men do exist. And they are to blame for what they do and who they become. Everything around them begins to rot, decay, slip into dissolution. When there are critically few of them, they can somehow still have a place in culture—in exotic marginality, eccentricity, extravagant behavior. But as soon as post-men become a serious trend, they turn into a deadly, highly contagious virus. If you give them freedom, they will destroy everything around them."


Can't remember if the whole article is good or just pedantic philosophy, but there are some enlightening quotes that pertain to the west's current disaster state of existence.