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Monday, January 8, 2024

Woman cutting my 3.5 million dong's worth of lingzhi mushrooms on 1-8-24--Vung Tau copy

She's cutting up 3.5 million dongs' worth of dried lingzhi mushrooms for me. That's $143.77. Should last a few months.


Lyle said...

That's the stuff, looks like a good quantity for the price.
What is the weight and how do they suggest taking it?
You should notice it working quite soon.

James Richard said...

I've used cinnamon to stabilize my blood sugar for years. It has been a great help.

Anonymous said...

I used to drink Linzhi tea just as regular tea. The packets have malt sugar to take the edge off the bitterness. It's called long life tea but I never understood what it was actually supposed to treat. What is it supposed to do?

Linh Dinh said...

It lowers your blood sugar and strengthens your immune system. For the last six months, I have had a pretty severe problem with both. Lyle in Sihanoukville recommended this treatment when I stayed at his house several months ago.

Anonymous said...

Recent research has reported that G. lucidum sensu lato contains approximately 400 bioactive compounds that are mostly polysaccharides and triterpenes (Sanodiya et al., 2009; Basnet et al., 2017). These compounds have anti-inflammatory, radical oxygen scavenging, anti-tumor, immune-enhancing, and antimicrobial activities

Ron said...

It's your diet Linh. Too much carbs (glucose) and other junk passing as food. It's impossible to be healthy if you don't 100% control what goes in your mouth. For example, the foods you are eating are cooked using veg oil (toxin). The beer, it's a toxin. Your body can heal itself and get back to equilibrium (normal blood sugar and functioning immune system) if you feed it correctly (no drugs or magic potions necessary). You are what you eat so if you want to get your health and figure back to normal, buy, cook and eat the "real" foods. Video to get you started:


Ron said...

Linh, if you prefer to watch something entertaining to change your views on food, I suggest watching the movie, "Cereal Killers (1) (2013)":


Anonymous said...

Thanks Linh