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Friday, June 28, 2024

East Village triple stabbing raises alarms over neighborhood safety

But everything is fine, claim the ostriches. The economy is booming, there's no real war and baseball is on.


swiss reader said...

The first hour or so of the movie `Beau Is Afraid` was just like this.It hit a nerve with me,because its where we,the west,are going.
The German government had to to publish annual crime statistics recently,said there were 13000 knife attacks in 2023,turned out it was actually double that.71 per day.Some official who asked to deport criminal "migrants" is now under investigation for hate speech.Young Afghan men are flown in by government planes,over 250`000 in Germany already.I hope to eff off in time.

Anonymous said...

Berlin 1920. 99% if all prime real estate owned by Christians. Berlin 1929. 99% of all real estate owned by Schlomo Goldberg and Co. Berlin 1936. 99% owned by the State. 1946. Half owned by Schlomo and half by Schlomo's brother in Moscow.