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Monday, July 29, 2024

Blinken at the home of the late President of Vietnam, Nguyễn Phú Trọng:

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 19-37-14 Ngoại trưởng Hoa Kỳ thắp hương và chia buồn với gia đình Tổng Bí thư - YouTubeScreenshot 2024-07-29 at 19-36-51 Ngoại trưởng Hoa Kỳ thắp hương và chia buồn với gia đình Tổng Bí thư - YouTubeScreenshot 2024-07-29 at 19-37-59 Ngoại trưởng Hoa Kỳ thắp hương và chia buồn với gia đình Tổng Bí thư - YouTubeScreenshot 2024-07-29 at 19-37-39 Ngoại trưởng Hoa Kỳ thắp hương và chia buồn với gia đình Tổng Bí thư - YouTube


Anonymous said...

And they all will fall for it.
Just like the Navy Band play in in Nha Trang/Da Nang!


Troy Skaggs said...

T-Blink gets around. Being the pious motherf*$"er that he is, in between laying down some blues licks, he can be found praying. What for is uncertain.

lyle said...

If BlingKen actually wrote that note, It shows that he is barely literate or
Done as an insult to the people of Viet Nam and Americans.

swiss reader said...

Stinkin Blinken handwriting 8th grade style`Peace and Partnership`,rich,isnt it?Thanks for the napalm,we loved it!You`re soo welcome,we`re loving it,too!Its a good time for the great taste of Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin.

Tom Herzog said...

I have to speak up on behalf of Secretary Blinkin here. People accustomed to taking rapid, short-hand notes such as in a lecture setting often have poor hand writing when they actually have to write something legible that others can read.

I am certainly no apologist for the current administration's foreign policy or U.S. foreign policy in general. But it seems a petty, ad hominim attack to criticize Mr. Blinkin for his poor hand writing.