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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Old Oriental women attacked by blacks in Oakland:


Anonymous said...

The police know that if they stop a crime it will be suspension, gunshots, endless paperwork, workshops, meetings, and wokies from upper management in their face. It's easier and safer to be yelled at by feeble old asians. We are doomed all according to plan. Once these areas are cleansed of law-abiding voters Schlomo Bank of Brussels will buy the Bay Area for $25 and bring in the IDF to genocide the rats.

Tom Herzog said...

My last year is Sacramento (I believe it was 2020 if memory serves me) I had a Vietnamese landlady who had a t-shirt that said "I'm Asian, but I'm not Chinese." At that time Chinese or Chinese-Americans were frequently being scapegoated for Covid or "the Chinese flu."

She also pulled me aside one morning to try to get me to have sex with her but she changed her mind half way through the act. I said to her, "What am I supposed to do with this!?" pointing down. "She said in her broken English (which was a hell of a lot better than my Vietnamese) "You figure out yourself..."

So I deducted it from the next rent.