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Sunday, October 31, 2010



Henry, 65, homeless, smoking a two-buck cigar, which may last him two or three days. He visits six churches regularly to get free food and to be hired for odd jobs. Born in Poland, his family moved to Austin, then Oakland. In College, Henry took classes in sociology, philosophy and music appreciation, all the usual hippie shit but haiku composting... Henry was an iron worker, that was his longest job, and an electrician. From his ex-wife, a beautician, he learnt how to cut hair. Hooked on heroin, Henry then robbed banks with a knife until he was caught and jailed for two years. Inside, he cut hair, made some money and friends. Henry converted to Islam in a Frisco mosque. His Muslim name is Haroun.

Henry loved his motorcycle. He crashed hard twice. As he lay on the ground, bloody, his arm mangled, a cop leaned over and tsk tsked, "Buddy, I wish I could give you some whiskey right about now."

"Thanks a lot," Henry said.


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