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Thursday, January 26, 2012





Anonymous said...


Your photos of Washington rank among some of your best. The captions really helped put it all in perspective. Makes me ashamed of what this country has become.

Please keep doing what you do. You are a hero.



Linh Dinh said...

Thanks, Pet. I'm particularly glad to receive your comment this morning, as it follows a belligerent one from a gentleman who has also sent me a very negative email under the DuChampian pseudonym of Rose Selavy. I can't help but do what I do, and I can only do what I'm capable of, but I do not try to harm, swindle or injure anyone, so his anger towards me seems very misplaced, I think.

Anyway, I'm very glad you like these DC photos. I know the city reasonably well, as I spent three years in Northern Virginia during high school, then nine months working as a filing clerk in DC after college. In my cheap slacks and dress shirt, I'd go from law firm to law firm to do the loose leaf filing.

In DC, I saw Art Pepper's very last concert. On stage, he looked like Gertrude Stein. I also saw Bennie Goodman in DC, and Wynton Marsalis when he first started out. The show was in a small club, DC Space, and Branford Marsalis looked just like a high school kid, so young, I thought he was a last minute replacement.

Swza said...

Hi Linh,
Why was he angry at you? Did he accuse you of exploiting the subjects in your pictures? This is my favorite blog on the web and the only one I follow on my google account. I work with the homeless and am upset about how invisible they remain to our rulers even as the their numbers swell. I applaud you for documenting the reality of poverty in our streets.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Swza,

He sent me a private email to say that all I do is "BITCH! BITCH! BITCH!", and when I didn't respond, he went berserck.

As we all know, tone is everything, and when you approach people a certain way, you're not going to get an answer, or worse, much worse. This, I myself have to keep in mind constantly, as I'm often roaming through the streets, among strangers.

Anyway, I'm quite cheered and humbled that this is your favorite blog. I hope you won't get sick of it soon!
