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Monday, January 9, 2012





1 comment:

Ksou said...

Hi Linh
Tax the rich at least at a decent rate so schools wont be shut down .
Apparently phili is out of school money
http://www.commondreams.org/further/2012/01/06-3 .

I'm starting to think that the Dem's are a little better since tend to SOMETIMES give a crap about the middle class . Obama's job bill would of kept these teachers paid . Ohh well , its almost that magic time again, every 4 years when we get to vote for a corporate Representative ... Actually , since corporations are people now can't we nominate a corporation to be president .

I nominate Google, with their "Don't be evil" motto I'm sure their the best choice . Wait , Google's too young, but Apple Inc has just turned 35. Apple for president. "Think Different" 2012 !