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Saturday, October 12, 2013



Given to me by my buddy, Chuck Orloski. Chuck is going through a very hard time right now, and is under tremendous stress. The other day, he asked me to say a prayer for him, and since my Catholic days are long over, all I could do was send him a hug, with "you are much loved." Talk is cheap, I know, so shoot me already.


1 comment:

Cindy Shirar said...


I'm sorry about your friend, Chuck. Recovering Catholic myself (although not so "recovered" that we don't have our five year-old daughter enrolled in Catholic school--more for academic quality, since the public schools around here are abysmal).

I hope things get better for Chuck. Seems like everyone's going through hell these days. Been low enough at times to actually resort to fervent prayer on and off over the last few years. Old habits die hard.
