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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More leftish nonsense...

Thanks to a reader, I found out that Craig Brown has just told a lie about me. Responding to a reader's question about my disappearance from Common Dreams, Brown wrote, "We don't use 100% of any writers submissions - we make editorial judgments. Linh Dinh stopped submitting to us after we chose to pass on one of his 9/11 truther pieces."

That is a complete lie.

From mid 2010 to early 2012, I was a regular contributor to Common Dreams, but my last piece there was published on March 5, 2012. After that, I continued to submit at least ten more pieces, but they were all rejected without even a response email, so I stopped.

This has nothing to do with 9/11, but Brown is citing 9/11 to caricature me as a 9/11 fanatic. He's claiming that I became so upset by his rejection of one of my "9/11 truther pieces" that I decided to boycott Common Dreams. This is pure nonsense, and he knows it.

As the editor of Common Dreams, Brown has a right to reject whatever he feels like, but he shouldn't lie about it, and as an organization that gets around $400,000 a year from foundations, many of which are closely linked to the Democratic Party, Common Dreams is also lying when it claims to be "100% reader supported."

When Jeffrey St. Clair of CounterPunch explained his break with me, he also painted me as a conspiracy freak, so this is a handy smearing tactic for at least two "progressive" editors.

Though I stand behind everything I've written about 9/11 (or the death of Bin Laden, for that matter), I obviously write about so much more, and the bulk of my writing is grounded in direct observations. Now, I'll get back to my Tri-Cities Postcard, which should be up by Thursday, at the latest. As Joe Bageant used to say, "In art and labor!"


Also, do check out "Doug Buckwald on Common Dreams."



Swza said...

Common Dreams blows. The comments section is either a giant circle jerk that leads to nothing or a pointless battle between most of the commentators against a crazy woman in Florida.

When they dropped you and Phil Rockstroh I quit giving them money. I think a lot of others did too.

Swza said...

Their content is pretty tepid too. At least they still publish Glen Ford but I'm sure he'll get dropped around election time.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Swza,

I'm sure you know about Paul Craig Roberts already, but for people who don't, do check out his website regularly:


Needless to say, he's never on a 3/4 assed, controlled dissent, perception management site like CD. Dmitri Orlov is also spot on:



Linh Dinh said...

And for a more philosophical take on what's going down, there's John Michael Greer:


On a day to day basis, I check out Information Clearing House:



Linh Dinh said...

Pepe Escobar is also excellent and extremely knowledgable, and he's a regular contributor to Asia Times:


The rest of that site is hit or miss, however. I really don't care for anyone there besides Escobar.

Anonymous said...

up the rebels