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Tuesday, March 3, 2015



AIPAC members at Convention Center for Netanyahu's speech. The woman is yelling at protesters.



Unknown said...

Linh: Is this nice looking AIPAC gal throwing the middle finger protestor's way? If so, the photograph is a supreme historic sign of our post-Democracy times.

"Seniors" like me recall how in 1968, Abbie Hoffman, threw the middle finger at the D.N.C. Convention, Establishment. Afterward, the U.S. right wing iconized Abbie Hoffman, as a radical "evil doer." In contrast, and thanks to your timely trip to D.C., today March 3, lower order Americans (like me) get to look at the cocky girl depicted in your picture, suck-up ejaculate from her Purple Middle Finger, and watch AIPAC money continue to impregnate both U.S. Party Establishments. Thank you, Linh.

Anyway, a sperm whale salute to the gal,

Linh Dinh said...

Yo Chuck,

She did it several times, and I was lucky enough to catch the image. A virus just got into my main computer, so I can't process any more photos until I get it fixed, but when I do, you can see the separation between protesters and AIPAC. I had to stretch my cameras with both arms to take photos of these AIPAC folks, because I couldn't get too close to them. Anyway, now I'm going to try to fix my main computer.

I have a "bad image" issue that is related to the DLL, and I'm trying to figure out how to solve it. My main computer is XP, which is technically no longer safe to use...


Unknown said...

A question, Linh, in memory of Hugo Chavez irreverent address to the U.N.? Did you smell sulfur from the distance where you snapped the AIPAC gal's picture?

Linh Dinh said...

No, Chuck, they smelled great! It's us who stink, remember? We smell bad in so many ways...


Linh Dinh said...

Nancy Pelosi smells great. Obama smells great. Hillary and Elizabeth Warren smell great.

Linh Dinh said...

Even an online image of Nancy Pelosi smells great.

X said...

The aggression is astounding. That finger is what's being given to all the suffering that's going on there. I guess people won't be happy until everyone there is dead.

A long time ago, a person I know suggested just dropping a nuke in Iraq or H bomb or Neutron bomb or something, and was claiming that it was "clean." Later on, he said, and I quote this verbatim: "Civilians will become future enemies when you've killed their sons - so might as well wipe them all out." In case it matters, this is a Chinese person.