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Monday, March 2, 2015


Ali Razeen is giving me a ride to Washington, so I'll be there from around 1PM until 4AM in the morning. Who knows if a Postcard will result, but there will at least be photos. Many thanks to all those who have sent me money. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do any of this. Cheers!--Linh


1 comment:

Unknown said...

To those suffering on poverty edge, and those who toil & who can generously help you keep doing what you do, I say blessings and peace be upon YOU!

Linh Dinh is the best investment a common person can make -- I find that his American Postcards re-live Orwell's "Wigan Pier" experiences, and collectively help me detour from having to travel our Controller's pot-holed & bad acid-laced Road to FEAR.

Linh: I'm happy to learn you hitched a ride with Ali to Washington D.C. Quite a convergence of opposite VISITORS, as P.M. Bibi Netanyahu is also in town, and giving his Churchill perspectives & war Postcard orders to U.S. Congress.