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Saturday, October 3, 2015





x larry said...

i have to (or do i?) make this little comment.
i've never been to germany. when i thought of leipzig, till this picture, if i thought of it ever, some sort of goethe idle came to mind. i've read only a tiny bit of goethe, was it a conversation with his friend? anyway, i know nothing.
but i must say--what a disappointment! should i be surprised? this reminds me of my very short journey to beijing. it also reminds me of lewis road, brighton uk, which i take a few times a week. soulless. cars, machines, tarmac (asphalt), characterless buildings... these take precedence (well, on lewis road it's considerably more congenial, more lively). could be a part of barcelona where i once worked, east of the center. could be jersey city almost, near the tunnel.

Linh Dinh said...

Yo x larry,

Leipzig has a beautiful center with many historical buildings. Nikolai Church, the center of resistance against Communism that helped to bring down the Berlin Wall, is 850-years-old.

Since you can easily find gorgeous images of Leipzig elsewhere, I'm not to going to post similar images here.

Ugly modern buildings and roads are everywhere now. Huge chunks of Paris don't look too great either.


x larry said...

hi linh,
yes, very true. sorry, i had a sort of gutteral reaction there for a second. it's my own sort of truly naive art, or if not art then way of seeing the world. take care