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Friday, June 3, 2016


Rudy List with a Remember the USS Liberty sign--Ann Arbor

Rudy List just sent me the above photo of himself at the Memorial Day Parade in Chelsea, Michigan. Rudy, "A few of the old timers in the parade acknowledged the sign by nodding. One waved his hand in recognition, and I could lip read him tell the other guy in the jeep to look."

And check out the latest from Laurent Guyénot, a must-read, “Robert Kennedy was the first American victim of modern Arab terrorism!” So they say.

Finally, our friend in Frankfurt writes:

God, Linh - were these homeless kids you've been photographing here??

Oh no - it makes me so sad to see this... NO human being deserves to live like that! I know, experiences are for learning - but we don't seem to learn, that we let it happen, that THEY turn this world, your country, my country, ALL countries into a wasteland - a wasteland of lost souls, angry, frightened, scared and poor people - battling over the last loaves of bread, while THEY sit in their ivory towers and enjoy the show..... it makes me so sad to see things like these.


Around here, things slowly slide into chaos - more migrants are arriving, now that summer draws closer, TTIP is not in the news but in the making, the eurozone is crumbling under the weight of debt, political correctness rules, the lies of the media get bigger and bigger and more and more nasty things happen in regards to the refugees (last thing was an incident in Darmstadt, a little town in the south of Hesse - on a festival a few dozen women were surrounded by groups of Refugees who assaulted them sexually and sometimes stole their money). Nothing big - but it adds to the feeling of fear, which gets ever stronger here. Most women here don't like it if strangers in groups grab their tits and pussies. So what will people do? Call for more police! More surveillance! To call for less migration would be racist so that is a No-No - and so we slowly descend further into chaos. Pawns in a game, getting at each other's throats, because we are increasingly so desperate and poor.



LJansen said...

A lot to take in here, but wanted to thank you for the Liberty photo. One time at our bi-monthly Palestine vigil in downtown Seattle, one of the survivors came up and spoke with me about Palestine and what Israel had done to him and his shipmates. I asked him to join us, but he was reticent and really didn't want to say much more than that he had been there and what a travesty it was.

Thanks to your friend for being out there. People don't really like seeing the truth and aomwrimwa aren't afraid to say so.

Ian Keenan said...

The RFK assasination occured during the time that the Church Committee concluded was the heyday of MK-ULTRA and Project ARICHOKE, CIA experiments in mind control. To find out where the RFK plot comes from you'd want to ask Who is the hypnotist? controlling Sirhan Sirhan. When I was looking into this I had concluded that he was firing blanks.

If, as alleged inconclusively by Turner and Christian in the Oliver Stone- prefaced Assasination of RFK, it's Wiliam Joseph Bryan, Jr., he was working on these projects well before the RFK plot. He worked for the CIA and even if he was contracted by someone else, he would perceive the CIA as his main client thereon and be responsive to their agenda. Of course, it could have been someone else who had access to these methods, etc. etc. but I don't know of any first hand evidence of that.

Sirhan Sirhan's ethicity throws up a red flag here as Israel is certainly no stranger to false flag attacks, and evidence presented in several books shows that Sirhan Sirhan was conditioned to perceive RFK as a friend of Israel, even if RFK was more independent of the Lobby than his electoral opponents. There is no hard evidence in this article or elsewhere, though, to show that the assassination would have been outside the organizational orbit of the CIA.

Ian Keenan said...

In terms of the Who Benefits? speculation, Peter Dale Scott's inconclusive hypothesis that JFK was killed because the Veitnam hawks thought LBJ would escalate the war more would have also applied to RFK's case, as well as the fear that he (or JFK Jr) would have seriously reopened the JFK investigation.

Rudy said...


I'm sorry; I didn't make myself clear. The parade was in Chelsea, a town about 15 miles west of Ann Arbor. If Ann Arbor had a memorial day parade, I'm unaware of it.

I've spoken to quite a few people about the Liberty. Very few are aware of the incident.


Linh Dinh said...

Yo Ian,

The main lesson from all this is that we're ruled by criminals, and our politicians, Sanders, Trump or whoever, are well conditioned to sidestep all the important issues and questions. Ditto, most of our "intellectuals."


Linh Dinh said...

Hi Rudy,

I just corrected it.

By the way, can you recommend a link for those who don't know about the USS Liberty?


Linh Dinh said...

At Veterans Today, there is Alan Hart's Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story.

Rudy said...

I would be hard put to find a more accurate and detailed account of the attack on the USS Liberty than the one by Alan Hart that Linh pointed out.

In this article
Alison Weir, with her characteristically clear and direct approach, exposes the machinations, disinformation and manipulation of the American Legion by Jewish interests in connection with the USS Liberty. A bit of reflection leads one to considerations of the broad role of Jewish power in the U.S. establishment in support of Israel that led to 9/11 and its aftermath - the global chaos of the so-called War on Terror, and the concomitant rapid descent of the US into the oppression of police state despotism.

For a clear and succinct historical account of how this came about, read Alison Weir’s book “Against Our Better Judgment – The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel”.

Ali said...

Victims become victimizers, and the cycle of poison continues ...

Anonymous said...

I suspect it takes a certain kind of discipline to condemn evil regardless of whoever commits it, whether it's Trump or a Syrian or Rohingya Refugee), and at the same time, maintain a clear focus against the criminals who pit us against each other.

Ian Keenan said...

The guy who apparently killed RFK, Thans Cesar, was a security guard for Lockheed stationed at a CIA-controlled U2 project. The evidence presented by Turner and Christian and others that he was the killer is overwhelming.

Ian Keenan said...

Thane Cesar