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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


America Was NEVER Great--South Broad



Anonymous said...

Dear Protester,

America was never great, but you or your parents did all you could, sometimes even risked your life, to move to it and stay there. And there is nothing in the world that could make you leave it for another country now.
Perhaps you mean it is not great, but the greatest for you?
Do you know how many countries are in the world? Why are you unyielding in choosing America over that myriad?

You should tell how come the America's ungreatness you decry is still so great compared to all countries you speak well of, for you.

More precisely, you should be demanded to tell, by the (mostly white, and now increasingly Mongolian too) people that with their intelligence (that you don't have, and seemingly can't stand not to have) built and still run this so-ungreat place you would rather die than not move to or leave, and pay the taxes allowing you to live.

If I were them, I would demand you to explain, and provide you all the means to settle in another country of your preference.
"You stay here if this is the country you like best, or you forthright leave: we give you the money to do so."

They are less sincere and more interested in power than I, and certainly less irritated by envy. So they are not going to demand you an explanation, nor to impose the dignity of coherence (or should I have said the coherence of dignity?) to you.
Your envy, that is offence to me, is just one of the many problem to manage to them (they are good managers, of things and people, you know?).

There is only thing looking worse than capitalism in its actual cultic form, financial marketism. And it is envy and moral cowardice.
They usually go by the name of "revolution", have the kind of paranoid ethnic hatred that comes from feelings of inferiority among their motivations, and yell about racism (projection is the mainspring of the human psyche, that is).
Anybody with knowledge of early 19th century France, 20th century Russia, China, Cambodia, knows the true colours of "revolutions".

Your wishes are far worse, more dangerous, less morally acceptable than what and whom you protest.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous

This country, the USA, is not run by the "high-IQ" un-envious set as you claim. There is only a handful of PhDs of the five hundred currently serving congressmen. And only two of them have a PhD in physics. On the local level, per capita, I bet its an even more dismal ratio.

I sure know that the local dimwits who run my town and county and is my representative in congress are nothing but the accolades you heap on the common clay.

You know nothing less than contradictions.

Up the Rebels!
