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Thursday, July 28, 2016


Four men with Christian banners on 7-27-16--Center City

Four men with Christian banners on 7-27-16--Center City (detail)

Four men with Christian banners on 7-27-16--Center City (detail 2)




LJansen said...

Yay! I made the cut--not saying how, though. ;)

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Linda,

As long as you're not "all of the above," I think you're among the vast majority of humanity.


salish cedars said...

Being effeminate ranks up there with being a murderer? So, being a female puts me in the same category as John Wayne Gacy! Wow! Actually, I think these people are provocateurs. They seem to crop up whenever there's any kind of left-of-center political demonstration. I've seen this type out here on the west coast. It doesn't seem to matter whether the issue is third-world debt relief, minimum wage, or anti-war. These sexual sin freaks always appear with their banners and megaphones. I mean, like, what's the connection except to try and provoke some kind of violent response from the lefties?

destroytheuniverse said...

these guys are provocateurs - who's paying them?