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Thursday, November 10, 2016


YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE on 11-8-16--Passyunk Square

Tomorrow, I'll go to a studio to record a segment for Press TV about the Trump win. Don't say I didn't see it coming. I called it, play-by-play, months ago.

On March 20th, 2016, I wrote, "Trump, Sanders and Clinton are simply trotted out to absorb people’s anger and passion [...] Soon, Sanders will drop out and tell his base to support Hillary! People conveniently forget that war mongering Kerry once ran as an anti-war candidate. Obama, too, posed as anti-war and anti-torture. It is beyond sick, this farce."

On June 12th, I wrote "Orlando Shooting Means Trump for President", and on September 24th, I wrote the below:

Mind-fucked, most Americans can’t even see that an American president’s only task is to disguise the deep state’s intentions. Chosen by the deep state to explain away its crimes, our president’s pronouncements are nearly always contradicted by the deep state’s actions. While the president talks of peace, democracy, racial harmony, prosperity for Main Street and going after banksters, etc., the deep state wages endless war, stages meaningless elections, stokes racial hatred, bankrupts nearly all Americans and enables massive Wall Street crimes, etc.

Only the infantile will imagine the president as any kind of savior or, even more hilariously, anti-establishment. Since the deep state won’t even tolerate a renegade reporter at, say, the San Jose Mercury News, how can you expect a deep state’s enemy to land in the White House?! It cannot happen.

A presidential candidate will promise to fix all that’s wrong with our government, and this stance, this appearance, is actually very useful for the deep state, for it gives Americans hope. Promising everything, Obama delivered nothing. So who do you think is being primed by the deep state to be our next false savior?

Who benefits from false flag terrorist attacks blamed on Muslims? Who gains when blacks riot? Why is the Democratic Party propping up a deeply-despised and terminally ill war criminal? More personable Bernie Sanders was nixed by the deep state since it had another jester in mind.

The first presidential debate is Monday. Under stress, Hillary’s eyes will dart in separate directions. Coughing nonstop for 90 minutes, her highness will hack up a gazillion unsecured emails. Her head will jerk spasmodically, plop onto the floor and, though decapitated, continue to gush platitudes and lies. “A Very Impressive Performance,” CNBC and CNN will announce. Come November, though, Trump will be installed because his constituency needs to be temporarily pacified. The deep state knows that white people are pissed.

Trump was completely right in calling the system rigged, but I pointed out months ago that it would be rigged for Trump.

See also my "Head in the Sanders Up Hillary Creek without a Trump Card," "Trump and 9/11" and "America Cannot Be Great Again."



Dan said...

Who did you vote for Linh?

And, just curious, how do you get a gig on PressTV? Do you know someone at the station?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Dan,

I don't participate in rigged elections, so I didn't vote.

When Obama ran, I saw him as a phony immediately, so I never voted for him.

In 2012, I was on a Russia Today panel to talk about that election.

From 2011 until last year, I provided dozens of commentaries for Press TV. They approached me. I also did a handful of appearances for Russia Today.

In late 2015, I told Press TV I couldn't do it anymore. It was just too exhausting. Because of the time difference, they would call me very early in the morning and ask for a comment on whatever subject, be it Somalia, China, Myanmar or something some American politician just said. I'd answer, "OK, call me back in half an hour." This gave me time to think about the subject, brush my teeth and make myself a cup of coffee.

Lately, I've started to work with Press TV again. I will keep my schedule very moderate, however. I very much want to say something about this crazy election, so I'm glad they called me this morning.


Linh Dinh said...

Hi Dan,

Do check out my 2012 "Voting for Death."


Linh Dinh said...

P.S. The main purpose of an American presidential election is to give our criminal government legitimacy.

Rudy said...

Hi Linh,

That is the clearest, most succinct and most accurate analysis of what's been going on for a long time that I have ever come across. Like you, and for the same reason, I didn't vote.


Dan said...

Hi Linh,

Paul Craig Roberts, who I know you've credited for shedding light on the inner workings of the system, sees the election as a repudiation of the oligarchs. He wrote many columns leading up to it predicting that Clinton would be inserted by the powers-that-be, no matter who the people chose. Now that Trump is in, Roberts writes that the working class has won the election, and he fears for Trump's life should he seriously begin to implement the changes he has talked about (overturning the trade deals, rapprochement with Russia, etc.). You obviously don't agree with this assessment. Roberts, incidentally, has not addressed any of his previous columns where he all but guaranteed that the election was rigged in favor of Clinton.

Trump was despised by the majority of insiders of both parties. Your 2012 article, while both entertaining and enlightening, does not accurately portray his candidacy.

I'm still curious about the TV gigs. I watch RT and PressTV from time to time, mindful of course that they each have their own agenda, and while a refreshing alternative to the "mainstream," are nevertheless not to be trusted outright either. How does an "everyman" such as yourself get on these shows? Had they read your poetry, or your blog?


Linh Dinh said...

Hi Dan,

No one reads poetry, and few read blogs. Press TV and Russia became familiar with me through my articles on political webzines.

I'm working on an article on the Trump win. It should be up by tomorrow.


Linh Dinh said...

P.S. DC politicians are merely whores. They don't really run the show. So what if they objected to Trump?

Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, long "progressive" icons, became Hillary Clinton supporters.

One must look deeper to see what's going on.

grimychaz said...

If our vote really mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to do it. I say that to people and they get offended, particularly Hillary supporters.

destroytheuniverse said...

'DC politicians are merely whores' perfectly illustrated by my favorite political footage on youtube: 'george w bush wipes his hand on bill clintons shirt after greeting haitians' Priceless!

Linh Dinh said...

Hi destroytheuniverse,

I haven't seen that. I'll search for it.


Rudy said...

Hahaha. I just watched Bush wipe his hand on Clinton's shirt. Thanks, destroytheuniverse.
