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Thursday, July 13, 2017

A live interview at the Heartland Cafe in Chicago,

from 2012 yet never posted here:

Frans Mark 1 month ago
Powerful poet.

Stephanie Blake 4 months ago
Jesus. Another example of how lame our "intellectual class" is, they didn't respond to anything he said.



Sir Lord Baltimore said...

Wow, I definitely agree with Stephanie. I hope it is not out of turn to state that the two interviewing you are "lame" and are straight out of central casting vis a vis aged baby boomer hipsters past their prime. I remember hanging on the fringes of the art world as a younger man (mostly trolling for chicks and booze). Ran into these sorts all of the time. Linh, all of the points you made were well thought out, timely, cogent and frankly refreshing. That old dude was insufferable. Perhaps I am reading too much into it. Anyway thanks for doing what you do.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Sir Lord Baltimore,

The audience were the same. A huge swath of our population are just like the folks at the Heartland Cafe. They're "progressive," smug, oblivious and hypocritical.


Jonathan Revusky said...

The point is not precisely that they do NOT engage with Linh on any serious, intellectual level. They don't, of course, and you won't ever see them doing so. But, by the same token, you will never see me getting up and dancing some ballet, like a series of pirouettes or something. And the primary reason for this is the same reason: I lack the skills to do so, even assuming I wanted to...

I mean to say, these people do not have the intellectual toolset to engage in a discussion of ideas with Linh, even assuming they wanted to, which is a big assumption already...

Robert Haugland said...

As a Chicagoan, I am embarrassed! The Heartland Cafe closed last December 1st after 40 years.