by MEFOBILLS, in response to my latest article:
The U.S. is following finance capitalism. China is using Industrial Capitalism.
Industrial Capitalism WAS used in America prior to Federal Reserve Act. In those days, it was called the American system, and was led by Peshine Smith and Henry Clay. China’s banks are predominantly Chinese state banks, with a smaller mixture of foreign private banks. America got rich using Industrial Capitalism.
Industrial Capitalism was used by the Kaiser, and was led by Frederich List. Japan figured out that American Finance Capitalism was defective, and this was confirmed when Peshine Smith went to Japan and became native. Smith further influenced Japan onto Industrial Capitalism pathways.
China is not doing anything that wasn’t done before. Belt and Road initiative is the same concept as Baghdad Berlin railroad, which was intended to go on to cross the Bosporous, and finally connect to Russia – thus creating an Eurasian connected land economy. Today’s China is an echo of Kaiser’s Germany.
Finance ((Capital)) maneuvered to start war world war; that is to fight Industrial Capitalism. England’s Oligarchs especially felt threatened by Germany. Finance also got rich though ownership of military goods production, so it was win-win. Kill the Germans, remove them as a threat, and get rich while doing it.
In modern times, China was able to dupe Wall Street by recycling dollars won in mercantile trade to buy finance’s debt instruments. Buying of TBills (debts) held up the TBill price, and lowered interest rates, which then was a major factor in causing finance housing bubble. So, finance was happy as the bulk of their debts are issued against property (about 70 percent), meanwhile the deplorables had their 401K’s go up in apparent value while simultaneously their job were offshored.
True nationalism is only possible with Sovereign money (not private “international” bank credit). True nationalism requires Industrial Capitalism. Industrial Capitalism requires that State “credit” channel into industry instead of finance debt paper shuffling. Industry makes things and creates real wealth.
The argument is not communism vs capitalism, it is about the nature of money and how it channels. Millenials are shilling for communism, but they are confused because they don’t understand economy or history.
The true nature of money is law, and it is to channel within a nations borders, and more so into the commons and industry. Communism is a dialectic invented by our ((Friends)) where they retain the levers of power. Both finance capitalism and communism are pyramid schemes. The former funnels usury to the top of pyramid to then fund usurping the state, and latter uses the state for top down control to benefit the few.
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