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Saturday, December 1, 2018


Billboard recruiting Vietnamese for working in Japan--Saigon

In my neighborhood, a billboard recruiting workers for jobs in Japan. Must be between 18 and 35 years old, "Pleasant to look at, in good health, without any contagious disease, HIV, hepatitis B..." Monthly salary for a manual laborer is around $1,300, it states.



Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...

You cannot live on that kind of money in Japan. Laborers from foreign countries are seriously exploited in Japan. Also, the work environment is very complex, it takes 15 years to understand the cultural aspects.

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Max,

Also, most of these Vietnamese have to invest a fairly subtantial sum just to get to Japan, in the form of Japanese language and culture classes.

In Japan, they live three or four to a room, skim on all expenditures and actually manage to have money to send back home, as expected.


Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...

A hard life!