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Monday, July 29, 2019


Tho on 7-29-19--Ea Kly



Rudy said...

Did you ask her to smile?

Linh Dinh said...

Hi Rudy,

I wanted to show the cartoon arms on her shirt, so I asked her to stretch her arms, which she did, and smiled. The kid's actually quite a brat. Her parents are our workers, and they're very devious, I'm starting to find out.


Rudy said...

brat... and... devious

That's not what I would have guessed, but now I guess appearances are deceptive too, even when I think they aren't.


McCarthy's Road.
I read it years ago, and lost it along with much else. But seeing how you are reading it, I looked for a PDF and found one. It's harder going this time, perhaps because the world's farther down the path toward that - or maybe just I am.