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Wednesday, October 23, 2019



[Aeon Mall in Bình Tân]



jay said...

I would have thought a mall in Vietnam would not need a mall cop.....one of the advantages of living in a relatively peaceful, homogeneous land.

(The wiki on "Crime in Vietnam" goes on and on about gangsters, pickpockets, scams and snatch theft, and prostitution....stuff we could pretty much all be expected to be on guard for.....but silent as to robbery and assault.)

Linh Dinh said...

Violent mugging is extremely rare, but thieves on motorbikes will snatch your cellphone or purse, if you're very unlucky and not paying attention. These mall cops are there to deter shoplifting, mostly, and not for anything violent. Most murders are between friends or family members, and often abetted by alcohol.