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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Woman pushing shopping cart filled with vegetables to sell on 12-11-21--Windhoek copy

A very common sight here, a woman selling vegetables from a shopping cart. Right at the entrances of some supermarkets, you'll find them.

I just got this email from a German friend, "Came back from Kenya a few days ago--and just in time, because Kenya is contemplating--from 21th of December on--to let only vaccinated people into the country (just like the US, Japan, etc.). The loopholes are being closed, one by one.

"Was by the way a great trip--people are compelled to wear masks in Kenya, most do, but you can walk around without one. Nobody ever bothered me. The most interesting thing was, Linh, the atmosphere was completely different--I noticed when I landed again in Frankfurt--in Kenya, it was lively, vibrant, open. I mean, I saw suffering (beggars, cripples, dirt, etc.), but also a lot of people having fun. While in Germany, the atmosphere is so bleak, so loaded with tiredness, with aggressiveness--one can almost touch it."

1 comment:

Zeno said...

the atmosphere was so bleak, so loaded with tiredness, with aggressiveness--one could almost touch it."

Yeah, one of the side effects of all this, probably intended, is that it subtly affects people's psyche. They become distrustful and paranoid. Neighbours become ever more suspicious of each other, even families get separated according to their vaccination status, and you notice a growing feeling of aggression and despair.

Some canalize it towards others, but others internalize it. If lockdown increased domestic violence and suicide in many countries, then such "passes" and the constantly changing draconian rules about moving around will increase them even more.