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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Taken on 9/6/12 but never posted:

Democratic National Convention 10 copy

Not a bar photo, obviously, but an image on my TV of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Noticing all these mesmerized or ecstatic faces, I had to shoot a few. Bullshit elections are America's circuses, but yeah, you'll "elect" the right guy the very next time!


craig dudley said...

i believe it was mark twain who said if voting made any difference it would be illegal.
one of my favorite descriptions is that the 'two' political parties are two wings of the same bird.

Biff said...

If you vote you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, have every right to complain about the disaster you voters have created.

Martin said...

They say that we get the politicians that we deserve. Hëll! Don't go tryin' to pin this US political clown show on me!

Ron Ronery said...

Most Americans are delusional. This is why the collapse of America (happening soon) will be catastrophic. When collapse happens, you need people who can function in reality. Only people who can live in reality will have the capability to rebuild a broken country.

WayWay said...

Politics in the Obama years had the vibe of being at a new age convention. I miss that era, even though I know the whole image was fake and used as cover for all kinds of crimes.