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Friday, September 9, 2022

At SubStack, "Three Eyed Goddess" left this comment on 9/8/22:



I'd love to 'gift a subscription' or 'share' with my husband and friends, but they would be deeply angered and shocked by Postcards from the End. They are unshakeable in their deranged rage towards the Orange Man, all our problems have been caused by the evil Russians, and proudly display their Ukrainian flags and 'We Support BLM' signs in front of their homes and businesses. Even my husband, once a sensible, wise, intelligent person who entranced me with his musicianship and insight, has gone full berserk and I have to watch my words carefully with him. Now I only know two people with whom it's possible to have any kind of discussion and share observations on the state of the world. We are watching the West descend into madness and the people I love the most are embracing the Idiocracy. It's astonishing.




Linh Dinh said...

Biff said...

All my liberal friends back in the states were like her husband; the one thing that they all had in common - they listened to NPR.

Anonymous said...

I will not forgive Donald Trump. New York, March 2021: There is a sustained crime wave in the city. It's not safe to go out. You don't know the black man walking toward you on the street is going to just pass you by or he's going to attack you. The black thugs are running wild now, attacking and robbing and harassing vulnerable people: the old and the women who they perceive as unable to fight back. They are all over the subway, looking for victims. And the most vulnerable of all and also the fashionable victims for them right now are the Asian elders and women who travel alone. The New York that I used to know is lost. The city is now a vast crime scene and the predators are the black thugs. I don't feel safe out there on the streets anymore. I don't feel safe riding the subway anymore, especially if the person sitting across from me or near me is black, and a young black would be even worse. They have swarmed out of the woodwork looking for victims. The country is in a political crisis while at the same time anti-Asian sentiments are rising thanks to the racist rhetoric of that gangster Donald Trump and the blacks are taking advantage of the situation. What amazes me is the fact that close to 90% of the attacks on Asians are done by blacks. What irony! Are they Trump supporters who believe the Chinese are responsible for the "pandemic"? It is a very bad time to be Asian in this country. Well, as far as race matter is concerned, there has never been any good time for Asians in this country, but since the unleash of the Covid scamdemic, it has gotten worse, much worse, all because of the racist verbal diarrhea that came out of the big mouth of Donald Trump when he was president. The "Chinese virus," the "Kung Flu" kept coming out of his mouth and it convinced the uninformed and misguided peasants (which is most of the American population) that the Chinese are responsible for their problem. In a press conference a reporter asked the orange asshole 'why do you keep referring to it as the Chinese virus?' He said because it came from China! Simple as that. And to the ignorant masses, Chinese means all Asians in this country.